Tag Archives: stock market

Phil Cannella Discusses the Turbulent Stock Market

Just as Phil Cannella has been warning us for a little while now, the stock market has been increasingly turbulent over the last year. Following the 2008/2009 market crash, the Fed exercised a monetary policy known as quantitative easing. Through the numerous QE programs, the Fed engaged in the buying of trillions of dollars of faulty mortgage backed securities. That, coupled with interest rates at near zero level for such a long time, resulted in most investors flocking to the stock market as the only Read More +

Phil Cannella Warns of Impending Market Risk

For a couple of years now, Phil Cannella has urged American retirees to wake up to the fact that the American economy has been artificially inflated through a multi-trillion dollar Quantitative Easing program the likes of which this country has never seen in its entire history. Quantitative Easing injected trillions of dollars into the economy leading the stock market to new highs month after month for the last couple of years, yet the underlying economy lacked the real growth that would and should accompany such Read More +